Zillion International


Coal – a fossil fuel – is the most important energy source for electricity generation and also forms an essential fuel for the production of steel and cement. Indonesia was the world’s second largest coal exporter behind Australia and is a major supplier to Asian countries.

Zillion International works alongside a variety of coal mines which are located all over Indonesia, however with a main focus on South and East Kalimantan. We source our Coal from the most reputed coal mines. Less smoke, high combustion rate, moisture free and less ash content. We always maintaining a good relationship with our existing miners, we are also permanently on the outlook for new suppliers to cater to the wide range of preferences and requirements from our buyers.

The main mines that we are officially working with and that are supplying us, have the following general features:

  • Batu Licin – South Kalimantan, GAR 3800
  • Central Kalimantan, GAR 4700
  • Palembang – South Sumatera, GAR 4700
  • Banjar – South Kalimantan, GAR 6200
  • Sebamban – South Kalimantan, GAR 4200
  • Aceh Barat, GAR 3400
  • East Kalimantan, GAR 3800
  • Barito Timur Kalteng, GAR 3900
  • Kukar Kaltim, GAR 4200
  • Kukar Kaltim, GAR 4600

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