Zillion International


Limestone is a sedimentary rock composed principally of calcium carbonate (calcite) or the double carbonate of calcium and magnesium (dolomite). It is commonly composed of tiny fossils, shell fragments and other fossilized debris.

Its properties such as hardness, compactness, imperviousness, and durability have a significant role to play when it comes to its uses which are vast and versatile. This oldest component of ancient landmarks in the world is still practically an inseparable part of industries today.

Limestone is a source of lime (calcium oxide), which is used in steel manufacturing, mining, paper production, water treatment and purification, and plastic production. Lime also has major applications in the manufacture of glass and in agriculture.

Middle East is amongst the top commodity traders of this mineral. And Zillion is honored for having supplied the highest quality of Limestone and specifically the highest purity of 99% at a cost-effective price to different countries.

Our Limestone is considered to be  most known international market  as :

  1.  Lime stone as our lime stone goes up to +98% whiteness, +96% brightness
  2. Calcium carbonate (caco3) goes up to 99.4% as it has the highest percentage of calcium (CA) worldwide goes up to 40%
  3. The lowest percentage of iron oxide (fe2o3) as it doesn’t reach 0.005%
  4. Most of the grinding factories for lime stone for the high ratio of whiteness that goes up to 98%.
  5. Most of the factories of the feed grade worldwide for the high ratio of calcium (CA) as it goes up to 40%.
  6. Most of the glass factories worldwide for the high ratio of iron oxide (fe2o3) as it goes up to 0.005%

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